Any Member of the House of Lords or House of Commons is eligible for membership of the Group and shall become a member on setting up a standing order for an Annual Subscription or on paying a Life Subscription.
The Annual Subscription fee is £10.00 (ten pounds), payable upon joining and thereafter on 1 April in each year. A Bankers Order form can be obtained from the BAPG office giving instructions to the member’s bank to set up a standing order payment to the BAPG.
Any member may opt to pay a Life Subscription of £60 (sixty pounds). Payment should be by way of a cheque made payable to the ‘British-American Parliamentary Group’
N.B. When members leave either House their subscription becomes forfeit. If the member subsequently returns to either House, a Life Subscription would become re-activated.
Any member ceasing to be a Member of either House of Parliament shall cease to be a member of the Group.
Membership Statistics Prior to the 2019 General Election:
Members of the House of Lords 293
Members of the House of Commons 313
Total Membership 606